Agree it would be nice to see more positive 4Cs to put a floor under the recent negative sentiment, but they are not doing 4Cs any more - it was at the end of the last announcement:
The Company has received notice from the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) thatit is no longer required to lodge Appendix 4C – Quarterly reports under ASX ListingRule 4.7B. Accordingly, this will be the Company’s final Appendix 4C.
Under Guidance Note 23 of Listing Rule 4.7B, this requirement is lifted when aCompany has achieved four consecutive quarters of positive operating cash flows.Due to the seasonal nature of beer and cider consumption the Company, alongwith the industry, records lower sales in winter which are offset by stronger salesin the summer months. Accordingly, the Company’s Q1 operating cash flows havehistorically been negative and may be negative in future September quarters.Given that this is due to cyclical industry factors which do not represent the longterm performance of the business, the ASX has waived the requirement for theCompany to lodge the Appendix 4C – Quarterly.
The Company will continue to update the market on the progress of its strategyon a regular basis.
HOWEVER - next one is end of Q2 which means I expect to see a half year update anyway instead of the Q2 4C. But it does mean none for Q3.
Hoping that last line in their previous announcement means they recognise that the quarterlies were very good drivers of the share price and that even though they are not required to do a 4C anymore, they provide some form of trading update in between the HY and FY results.