i wonder what anyone can make of it given the very scant detail of the gas shows, with the exception of one analyst, whom can tell you everything from a flare photo, its perplexing how long events are taking, why permits have not been put in, why allow a company like SGC to run dry of all capital waiting for seemingly nothing at all.
will SGC just raise capital then frac section by section for years to come as you suggest, you could do this fro a good 5 years. and blow out costs from what i think is close to a 10 mill well to an easy 15 - 17 mill.. handy if your the driller and you have a share/partnership with the operator. how much gas is now needed just to break even?
alvares is also apparently on the agenda. so does sgc raise capital now to pay for the dempsey frac and the alvares testing.. i think it has to.. but what quarter or which year?
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