"especially when management is known for promoting"
In my opinion you have hit the nail on the head there.
Therein lies a big problem with MD's/ paid consultants spruiking via the social media scene and then silence!
Unfortunately the delays/huge sell off over time does not also paint a rosy picture here in my opinion.
It does seem in hindsight the "smart money" was made when neighbours AVZ was in the midst of the Marvel Superheroes and Easter Egg hunt phase.
The fact the chairman here has made references to AVZ a lot of times also is a red flag in my opinion - very rarely do nearology plays work out.
Also why just Auger drills to start with?
I'm learning a lot about how companies respond to drilling activities around the ASX and YES I have been burnt in the past as well.
In my opinion this does not reflect nicely on JB and the other plethora of companies he is involved with - if you are entering on lows and are set when the unofficial twitter consultants are in then fine otherwise big red flag again in my opinion
Hopefully follow up results are much better for holders