Agree with you
Firstly, Kilbarri is not a build/own/operate contract, Western Power own it and will likely be making stage payments for EMC supplied materials and time (panels, frames, wages etc).
Secondly, construction is not scheduled to commence until November, giving plenty of time to organise any extra cashflow requirements for materials etc.
In this time, I'm pretty sure we will have cash coming in from other sources.
- GIMG completion
- Delamere
- R&D refunds?
- Northam should also be operational around the start of the project, so cashflow from there.
- Other, so far unannounced projects?
On the subject of unannounced projects, I had a look through some of the other contracts awarded on the Newcastle Council website
( Turns out I actually know two of the companies who have been awarded contracts . Feedback from them is that if a contract is shown on the website, it has been awarded.
From that, I'm confident that EMC/Lendlease have been awarded a $7m contract to design and construct 5MW solar array at Summerhill Waste Management Unit. It is likely they are just waiting on final details such as purchase orders.
Big questions I guess are when / if HQ are going to announce it, when is the project to start/end and what magnitude of profit will be coming to EMC?
How many of these kind of projects can EMC handle concurrently? You would think with Lendlease being involved, quite a few.