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Originally posted by t1obrien
The thing that worries the most about Tesserent is that strategy appears to be made up on the run.
First Glennan was mentioning acquisitions in all of his youtube interviews. Blue Reef was an unusual acquisition to say the least and with the SP at 5 cents I don't see any more acquisitions on the horizon.
Then Kurt Hansen was supposed to do all these international channel partnerships - he lasted less than 12 months and there haven't been any international deals / partnerships in the last 12 months. Deafening silence.
Then it was cyberbiz / organic growth. The telstra homebush trial lasted less than 2 months.
How any shareholder could have confidence that the Board knows what they are doing when it comes to growing the business is beyond me. From the outside it looks like amateur hour in terms of the business strategy.
Family Zone at 79 cents.
Tesserent at 5.5 cents.
Talk about amateur hour from the Board of Tesserent. Couldn't count to 10 without making a mistake they way they are travelling. Growth strategy? What strategy? Making it up as they go along.