god another presentation... come on Tony just get on with it.. presentations arnt going to push the SP up or encourage people... we all know what is going on, we only have to look at the news feed for Azure... how about get on with it and get the resources out of the ground and make us some actual revenue... ssssssssssooooooooooo much potential here, yet it feels like they are reaching with an attempt to push the SP up with glossy presentations and resource reports... all they have to do is predict the first injection of revenue with some factual prospectus and the SP will fly... presentations, just another waste of shareholders money... come on man, lets make some money already... does any one else feel like Oposura was the main flag ship, then the focus shifted on to Alacran, now in the presentation he seems the focus is on Sara Alicia... talk about inconsistencies ... just make one of them work already.... get on with it, the market will take care of itself as soon as you show your actually getting your hands dirty... once a decent Ann comes out with serious substance then the volume will boom and attention will be drawn to Azure... that is how its done peoples..
SP should be sitting in the mid 40's even pushing low 50's.... market is ruthless cause all we have is the same old story... the same old marketing presentations...hand outs.... Tony can we please get some expected time of revenue please?, a business plan showing how and when you will produce something for crying out loud...