I think MML is being cautious with putting out high targets. I take the 110kOz strategy for the LOM as a conservative approach given the recent grade/production and guidance drop to 108koz. I think the internal targets would be 150koz by 2017/2018 one hopes. Look forward to the Bananghilig deposit and what I also took of it was the following "near-mine" exploration targets:
Drill program proposed for Jul 2016
Follow-up on previous results
Access agreement finalized
Target review
2 km from mill
West Road 17
Ongoing trenching and surface exploration
Further to the Sinug-Ang drill program, it's a N-S vein system whilst Co-O is an E-W vein system. This bodes well for MML if they can define a resource which looks likely given the following table. I think with the gold price rising in AUD, the prospect of the Bananghilig deposit supplementing ore feed to the mill to fill the 20% utilisation gap, and more resources to come... MML will be worth a lot more than it's worth today. It's a long term play and a good quality one at that.