Hi mate can you please explain the module cost of $10,000 . How does that work? The price in the prospectus for SABRE is 140k -550k.
On a side note, The leaf process is not capital intensive as it can be retrofitted on exisiting process. Currently there are 2 large manufacturer that pretty much everyone uses for biomass treatment and "Glycell" process can be retro fitted on both so no need for an additional expensive treatment plant.
This research report is one of the best coverages of Leaf so far. Have a look if interested. http://www.leafresources.com.au/UserFiles/files/Documents/LeafResourcesInitiation_090915.pdf
You are right about the management- SAV or EMC as we should call it overall, does seem to have an impressive management in comparison. Also, I like the fact that they have a solution for waste water management for all scales. How far away is EBR?Is this open for retail investors ($2000 min) or first preference is to exisiting investors of SAV? I don't have a broker .. Thanks