Given GPP's propensity to appoint much lauded "experts" I think it would be pure tomfoolery not to look at their experience, past performance and links
* Wasn't Trench going to be the next best thing since sliced tomatoes for OHD - with future plans to appoint him as chief operating officer or something?
* And, Edwin Bulseco had a wealth of experience in capital markets and corporate strategic planning.
28 March 2017
2nd June 2018
I'm sure he's very adept at strategy, that's probably why he keeps rinsing and repeating the appointment / resignation cycle. I wonder what it costs shareholders on each occasion?
Or, as some are suggesting, we can "just wait and see what management are like" ... I mean it's clear that King has done such a great job on previous appointments.And it's not like there's much more left to lose if they screw this one up too - right?
Though it is hypocritically bemusing that it was demanded! that the 249D'ers show their credentials / intentions immediately but we just need to chill the ... out when it comes to kingmakers choice.