Originally posted by tonethegroan
Anybody who said anything negative about this company and it's management has been shouted down and called downrampers and worse to the point when we simply gave up warning. There are many lesson in all this. An important one is when the principle chair leader exits (for whatever lame reason) it's time to re-assess. What price did he get out at? Never to be heard from again by the way after saying he would be buying back in when he got his financial situation in order. Shameful!
Please, can I ask that those who don't hold refrain from rubbing salt in wounds, at least for a few days until we've had a chance to go off and process? It's not going to help anything, all it is is "I TOLD YOU SO". We're not going to listen to you if you give us any more advice because it's not helpful advice, it's revenge posting.
We all make investment mistakes and misjudgements. Show me one person who hasn't. They are probably lying if they say every share they ever bought has made them money.
The other thing is that this new CEO and Board are commissioning their own report on where and what went wrong, and who made decisions. I think they probably already have a good idea, but with an independent review and a report to hand to ASIC, they are covering themselves against legal action as none of them were involved in anything fraudulent.
So who are we going to sue? The past directors and management will have sheltered their money quite effectively away from legal action by now, knowing what they did to get it.