Throughout this whole debacle Mace has Still not been released. it was being touted before Diggers if my memory serves and yet nothing...the royalty/equity swap buried in a Supp is also very poor form too. The company clearly takes LR3.1 with a pinch of salt.
if Mace was that good why would't u release it as inferred and then talk up what's to come. There is only one clearly ain't that good.
I'll wager with anyone, that Mace stand-alone (ignoring any Mace that forms part of Tampia) is less than 20,000 ounces. Yes they will be cheap but there wont be many oz; they just dont fIt In the space.
many posters thInk RMS Is out because of Mace If Its not ready for publIc release then they probably never saw It...hence the pullout must be drIven by TampIa #s only. I really hope they publIsh reasons, but that may get ugly
Whilst I think the RMS situation could have been handled better (I'm neutral remember) to take your Company to border line insolvency so that now you have absolutely no choice but to accept ALK is poor. Any coercive deal like that needs to be outlawed.
Even the IER has got in on the act...something like "[BDO] have not adjusted our valuation for the financial distress that may be experienced by EXU is ALK doesn't get up"
So a life-threatening outcome is ignored in their assessment of fair and reasonableness. Incredible. Would It be because It wIll support RMS posItIon?
My guess Is the $800 has been spent on advIsors and lawyers . Why push ALK mtf back so far?
All faith lost. Other than accepting an offer on the Mace size bet, I am done.