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Medusa forecast H2 production and FY outcome based on:
Q3 production of 28k oz and
Q4 of 32k oz
due to increased supply of ore to Co-O mill from L8 shaft capacity increase from 13/1/2015:
Description.......... Unit..........H2 14/15..... H1 14/15...... H1 2013
Production......... ounces.........60,000........ 47,877........ 26,089
Cash costs......... US$/oz...........$381........... $381.......... $422
Gold sold.......... ounces.......... 60,000.........50,682....... 27,334
Gold price received US$/oz....$1,250......... $1,234........ $1,304
Revenues ...............US$........$75.0 M........ $62.2 M...... $34.0 M
EBITDA .................US$............................. $39.9 M...... $19.4 M
NPAT .....................US$........$36.0 M....... $24.8 M...... $13.0 M
EPS(basic) ............ US$..........$0.18.......... $0.128......... $0.067
FY 14/15 NPAT estimate: $60.8 M
FY EPS: $0.308 (A$0.394 @ A$1.28 to US$1)
Share price: A$0.86
EPS: 2.2
So the sp could rise by 3x or 4x from here and still have a lowish EPS with further progress expected in the next full year starting in July.