To the ones thinking on buying in...If your a value investor and likes to find stocks that are:
- unloved & undiscovered (or thrown out by the market)
- low institutional ownership
- high quality asset base
- Liquidity
Then HRR ticks the first 3 boxes but be careful this baby is a lobster trap. Easy to get in but hard to get out as many that's gone big has found out. So size your HRR holding appropriately... That is really just a function of it's low liquidity ATM and the board shot itself on the foot by doing an accounting trick (10 to 1 reverse stock split) that's made liquidity even worse. If not for that accounting 'hocus pocus' I think we would have more retail and insto uptake than what we have now...
To the ones already in, hang in there folks, If you've held on this long what's another 6+ months really... let's see a couple of quarters production numbers. The ore is certainly in the ground in fact we are the envy of a few mid-tiers at the moment for our proven reserves and potential long mine life Check out AMI, I was in exactly the same boat as HRR, now she's firing on all cylinders... just give it time I guess.f