@Michaeljob what are your thoughts on what the technological roadmap might look like between Hazer and Primetals?
I would suspect that the first project would be Carbon Capture and Utilisation, as this could potentially be added on to an existing steel plant.
If they were then successful in upscaling the plant to the necessary size to produce large quantities of hydrogen, they could then start contemplating the design of a plant that utilises hydrogen as the reductant, and graphite as the carbon.
IMO this would involve the least risk, because if they were unsuccessful in upscaling the technology for the production of methanol, then they could scrap their plans altogether.
If they were to design a steel plant based on using hydrogen as a reductant and graphite as carban, and they were unsuccessful upscaling the technology, then presumably one of Primetals client's would be without a steel plant. On this basis, it would be hard for Primetlas to find a suitable client willing to take on so much risk in the first place.
It would be much easier for Primetals to initially find a client that wants to adopt a carbon capture and utilisation technology.