If you are in tech, First revenues, then profits my friend... amazon and Facebook etc
Key takeaways:
1) USA ACV revenues $8.5 milion = breakeven/small profit, any further revenue growth from now at gross profit margins (~80%)
2) AUS ACV revenues $43.5 million = very high profit margins
USA revenue growth at 100% and AUS growth at 27% ... all R&D and fixed costs are now covered, so al revenue at NEA gross profit margins from operations at 80% ... plus we been spending a lot on new product features on 3D which is ready by Fall means even larger revenue growth.
1 year lookout at current revenue Growth to profit growth translation = $15.3m growth in net profits for 2018 calendar year (on top of Australian profit)
Derived from following incremental profit growth from current revenue trending
USA = $6 million profit (assuming all USA costs now covered)
AUS = $9.3m profit
Question now is what is AUS current profitability that we can add $15.3m profit to in order to derive P/E?
If 3D uptake higher than bobs your uncle, and we could closer to euphoria then with NEA share price doubling from what it is now releively easily.