'Results continue to support Tando’s strategy to generate early production by processing the near-surface high-grade zones at SPD'
'Strategy involves low capital costs due to the shallow nature of these zones and the simple magnetic separation process, meaning short lead time to production'
'Scoping Study on this near-term production opportunity well underway with metallurgical and engineering studies well advanced'
'Tando Resources is pleased to announce further outstanding concentrate results which support its strategy to aggressively pursue a near-term cashflow opportunity at its SPD Vanadium Project in South Africa.'
'Concentrate samples, along with specifications, have been provided to potential offtake partners for their review.'
'This high-grade zone is the focus of the current engineering and metallurgical studies with a view to selectively mining it and producing a concentrate as a low-cost, early-cashflow operation.'
Sounds like plenty is happening behind the scenes, hopefully the scoping study isn't too far off and a few of these snippets come to fruition. Appears that things are shaping up nicely.