What a sad life ... while losing on all fronts... VCR should read his own comments while he played a role of self appointed chief SEI spruiker (while selling!!!). Just for entertaining value I will quote his earlier comments:On 20 - 21/12/17 VCR999 wrote:
"Hi JamesExpat2 That is why owning the Quarry is important it is a cash flow business and we will only be selling the waist from our other activities at Mt Carbine.In the long time it is a win win for all share holders finance will be easier to get.Our new Director Stephen Layton is an expert at raising money and was involved in our last capital raising. CHEERS
As we have had 2 years discussing the lease on hotcopper and it has had a huge downward affect on our share price lets just be thankful Russell was some how able to get a deal done.It looked impossible as we did not have much to offer for the Quarry.We have been told both parties have agreed to have the Contract of Sale executed by mid March 2018.We should all be happy with this, as not owning the Quarry made it impossible to deal with any banks for finance as we did not own the land. Russell did take our Lawyer with him to Nth Queensland to get the deal done.I think all the posters negative and positive helped in making our board realise how important the Quarry was for our future.I thank all posters for their views even if they don't own shares. I assure you the board read our posts all good boards should read criticism and act on it when required to do so. CHEERS
The deal would be confidential until signed of on, still the best news for years. With owning the Quarry we also will get to sell our waste products which reduces costs and helps with cash flow. CHEERS
Getting this deal done has held back our share price for for years, well done to Russell Krause for getting a deal done. A deal that Jim failed to deliver, the board can now concentrate on a bright future starting with our Lithium project.All SEI shareholders should now feel a lot better with their investment and our future going forward. CHEERS
Fantastic news, we have all waited so long for this, the share price should now rise as SEI is a bargain at these prices. CHEERS"
Cheers to All Holders!VCR was also admonishing previous negative commentators while predicting multiple price rises himself eg:
Hi aar you have made 2 posts on SEI both negative your 1st on 29/12 17 " Pump and dump" stating SEI's share price would be back under 1.5 cents next week how wrong you were. Are you sure you are not Treefeed with a new name. SEI's tungsten deposit alone is worth 15 cents especially now as we will purchase the quarry. This price rise is well over due and is Lithium driven if you are a true holder just enjoy the ride. CHEERSShareShareSEI only announced everything is above board and going as planned. Old Shareholders know with the Quarry purchase we have a World Class Tungsten asset that will underpin our Lithium brine project in Chile,with our 2 gold projects SEI are in a much better position during any time in our history.Not long ago our share price was 17.5 cents and that was when we were a stand alone Tungsten company that didn't own the Quarry. The tungsten price has also been going up lately.All you new Lithium based shareholders will benefit greatly with from our World Class Tungsten project at Mt Carbine.Happy New Year to all, looking forward to a great 2018. CHEERSOriginally posted by aar ↑ShareOnce the Quarry deal is Announced to the market in March SEI shares will fly. TGN shares are way overvalued and will drift lower from tomorrow. SEI at these prices is the most undervalued tungsten share on the ASX. With our Lithium brine project and the Gold assets, I see very little risk buying SEI at these prices and our up side is massive. SEI is now the only Tungsten company I will buy shares in from today after GWR's 163% share price rise today. Tungsten is just starting it's bull run jump on board and enjoy the ride. CHEERSOriginally posted by insaf ↑ShareHi scottm tungsten price looking good,my trading is working well lately picked up another 70,000 at 2.6 cents Todey a steal at these low prices. CHEERSOriginally posted by scottm ↑Vcr's last positive comment on the day he probably sold his last shares in SEI ... and predictably on losing streak of his other stock... he started down-rumping here... really sad story of unsuccessful trader?: