Oh yes, and one more thing...................... You wrote:
""(I see you haven't mentioned anything about AMG being in the red recently?)""
Now, that comment has nothing to do with what was discussed in that post of mine which you half-heartedly respond to..........................Now, and more to the point.....what has that got to do with the prices of eggs in China.??
In closing, if one cannot see that the [price has been manipulated, (Just take a closer look at the volume of shares changing hands to push that sp up), in order to prepare one for something unexpected, well mate what is there to say.?
Could there be a CR on the horizon soon.?? I don't know....You tell me. But, with only about $4.4 million dollars in the bank as at the end of June current, and with the drilling to be paid for, one would have to start wondering. And then add to that the total approx. amount of $34k dollars a months payable to someone in consultancy agreements fees on top of that as well.
And then read below which is what appeared in the Annual report, (emphasis added):
"The Board monitors and manages the financial risk relating to the operations of the consolidated entity.
The Consolidated Entity’s activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (including currency risk, interest rate risk and price risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The overall risk management strategy focuses on the unpredictability of the finance markets and seeks to minimise the potential adverse effects on the financial performance. Risk management is carried out under the direction of the Board.
Credit risk
There is a limited amount of credit risk relating to the cash and cash equivalents that the Consolidated Entity holds in deposits. The Consolidated Entity’s cash reserves are only placed with major Australian and Mongolian banks.
The Consolidated Entity does not presently have customers and consequently does not have credit exposure to outstanding receivables. The Consolidated Entity may in the future be exposed to interest rate risk should it borrow funds for acquisition and development.""
And then, with 404,015,607 (2016: 47,500) fully paid ordinary shares on issue to date, and with about $34k dollars a month due and payable in consulting fees................ wellllllll
As such, and with the current issues I am trying to sort out about this company, there is no way known that, at this point in time, I will part from any of my hard earned. Not yet anyway.
Have a good day my friend as I am planning to have one myself.