Okenia on LSE has posted some sector comparisons so I have copied across his notes for info:
Alara Resources (ASX) Washihi project is a copper-gold VMS deposit in Oman. Decent grades (1.3%), but despite that they can only get to 23% concentrate and recovery even at that low level is only 92%.
Some historical data for another crush-and-float copper concentrator based mine (Mt Isa) in Australia. Decent recoveries but the grade is at best 26% as opposed to the 30-60% MOD are reporting today.
Optimisation data from the Xstrata/Ernest Henry ore from the Mount Isa-Cloncurry mineral district. Again struggling to reach 20% and the recovery falls right off at those levels. Best is about 15% grade and 85% recovery.
Ivanhoe's amazing Tier 1+ Kamoa project. Central core is nearly 4% copper and they get a 37% concentrate at 85% recovery: http://www.marketwired.com/press-re...inary-metallurgical-tests-tsx-ivn-2139647.htm
From their most recent sample from Kakula sample (assaying 4.1% copper) they were able to push the concentrate to 53% (but at only 85% recovery). Kakula is a world-leading asset and the results from T3 match / exceed those figures.
Being able to get >30% in a concentrate AND retain over 95% recovery at the same time is an outstanding result for MOD.