Originally posted by sholtz
They can’t miss out if they stump up before the 1st March. I would expect plenty of over subscribing to attain the full discount across the total loan.
Big benefit in paying it out, all interest forgiven and then some.
Here is an example of what I believe to be fairly accurate, base on a $100k loan and consolidated fees and interest.
$100k loan.
$22k in interest and fees to date.
$122k total outstanding
$36,600 discount over the total loan @30% discount rate.
$85,400 pay out figure.
A compelling offer to put in for oversubscribtion and pay out the entire loan before 1st March.
After 1st March through to 15th March and the 17% discount rate.
$122k total loan and consolidated fees and interest.
$20,740 discount on total loan.
Not quite all the fees and interest but close enough.
So it is risk verses reward in this incentive program.
Risk v reward??
So ELF holders are in the position they are in due to management failures to
option price before expiry--let say well below the price management put them at--management--not S/H!!
Now the same management that put the ELF holders in the position are putting them into a S/hole which they will get a discount --if they payout?? and yet which management has delivered absolutely nothing.Now depending on the amount you hold a 1c re-rate which should happen after this world-wide global ann--could help some option holders to the value of 200,000--depending on the amount they hold, making the 22,000 saved peanuts. So their in no way its a win, win for ELF holders.
Blind Freddie can see the wool being pulled over their eyes.
Why not just hold of until the ann ,March 31st and then option holders after this world, global ann--will be in a better financial position to convert their holdings.Management is doing no ELF holder any favors by going early, unless the ann--not coming, delayed, or some other excuse.Maybe until Hell freezes over. I am quite sure that many holder that are giving advice to Elf holder are not holder themselves--those being so naive.
No financial advice, only common sense.Many OPTION,ELF HOLDER waiting 5yrs+ , so whats an extra 10 days. Bottom line management giving Elf holder a discount for Managements OWN FAILURES. GIVE ME A BREAK, GET THE DEAL SIGNED AND THE ELF, OTHER OPTION HOLDERS WILL TAKE CARE OF THEMSELVES,AS SO FAR THEY HAVE DELIVERED NOTHING ON THEIR PROMISES. Arion--house renters pay cash for their bond--hope that helps you out(good grief).