Originally posted by RCee
the moratorium will be lifted but likely replaced with ban on fracking. scientific studies like the one Victoria are undertaking have reported positively in all other states so there will be no basis to ban conventional from that report.
That will be fine for our conventional assets
Yes that would be logical, but socialist are not rational people mostly - They are motivated not by profit but by ideas and before it was all about unions, now its seems about ridding this planet of carbon related products regardless...... of the science . Base line power, iron ore profits, oil/gas wells, the greenies hate with a vengeance and partly from the jealousy of wealthy people having a better life in places like Beverly Hills. Toorak haha while they live in the mud communes in freezing wet and now overpriced TAS- (yes blame the libs)-when they leave, all properties will crash back to normal prices in a no go state...
I would/am not expecting anything "sensible" to happen while Andrews is in and i am expecting the worse in end of ban and actually preying we get some cash from this Appeal just to survive IF IF ,the worst was to happen.
Best traders say and my philosophy always to is expect the worst and plan for it and you never be surprised or be ruined when investing..
A lot is riding on our new wells, appeal, and access to VIC again. Time is money and we are very very lean now and SH's, traders are very vary especially with possible shutdown of Aust coming/recession ect.
Spec BUY yes, but at a sensible amount$$ only..... always!!
Sorry for my Wed ravings!!, but anti business people with power really grind my gears...