syrian….. good pick up, well done, doubt it is a coincidence, I don’t believe in coincidences.
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Re: Announcement and their note “Unrivalled reach through SmartTrans to 1.26 billion mobile subscribers*”
To quote allover72 “Just the 1.26 Billion subscribers......fair effort getting them on board! Let's hope it translates into $$$.”
To quote kingking “KneoWorld have signed up with Smart Trans to sell there apps which has the potential to reach 1.26Billion subscribers in China (ESN gets a percentage)”
Does SMA have OR have access to 1.26 billion subscribers?
There are almost 1.26 billion mobile phone users in China, ie: almost 1 phone per person for every aged
1 day to 114 years OR lots of people have more than 1 phone, ie: work phones, personal phones, spare phones etc.
Kneoword is called an educational game(s) designed for kids from 7 to 12 years old.
Kneoworld is marketed to the parents of those kids.
There is no way they will have a potential market of 1.26 billion for Kneoworld, which is what appears to be implied?
These links are worth a read, SMA thread is worth a read.
It might all come down to how good the games are, has anyone supported ESN and paid for one?