It's a start up company, so it definitely won't be the last of record quarters...... should think more about just how little profit it will take to make a market cap like this seem inadequate.
What's evident is that if you look at the figures for living social as part of the prospectus, clearly going by the overall figures we're seeing now the management is turning around that business (as planned). Then if you take a look at how much living social was valued at those metrics, the cash that e88 have in the bank, the market cap doesn't really price in much for the value of their other business which are still much more profitable than LS nor the turnaround that's evidently happening within living social too.
Ps. they are not a retailer, they help traditional retailers expand their market. The sales are more like total turnover and the revenue is actually the difference between sales and payments to merchants. So essnetiallt the gross profit is 100% (as they often don't carry the inventory), however their overall gross profit will never be as high as a true retailer but nor will their cogs or administrative costs.