Hank ,
Please its very very different now. We have sound now - music coming from the chip/wafers and we didn’t have this before — this only really happened recently. Quoting ASX ANN: 29th August 2018.”AKP is pleased to announce the musical sound has been produced from chips/wafers.Our proprietary MEMS chips ASIC and ALGORITHMS are now reproducing complex music ( specifically Hallelujah by George Frederick Handel); a Major advancement from the previous sound tone playback on 4th July 2018.”And now believe they have a stable manufacutring process where they were not in the phase period back then.Since the first chip was tested many years ago we haven’t been able reproduce sound. The recent milestones are; can play Sound at single tone level (July 2018); play sound at a complex level (August 2018) ; December 2018 you have a second product thats more powerful which solved the dissipation layer issue and they believe they have a stabilised manufacturing process to be confirmed by end January 2019. A VAST CONTRAST TO WHAT WAS ACHIEVED IN 2016!!Given that all the smarter and wealthy shareholders have converted their notes into equity ( combined wealth is hundreds of millions of dollars or more ) noting equity is more risky than debt secondly they have put an employee options scheme in place ( first since the tech was backdoor listed 8-9 years ago) and the share price is now trading at $21.50 you don’t need to be a rhode scholar to work out they are very very close now. ( though share price not in $30’s now we are in a different macro environment - further updates will take us there quickly )Hopefully to be confirmed /backed up as per Yuval’s comments at the EGM towards end January 3-4 weeks from now. Let’s see this happen soon for all of us.