Originally posted by HotRods65
"Drilling has identified a high grade quartz –
sulphide reef. A total of seven closely spaced diamond"
-The plant has never produced gold profitably.
-Detailed recoveries were never released for either of the trial mining.
-They flagged sulphide issue at RoD.
-And now McNally's Reef is a sulphide reef.
Now, question for the experts. How many of the old reefs were sulphide reefs? and if they were how did the old timers process the ore?
The innovative combination of fine crushing using the VSI and continuous gravity recovery with the IPJ, results in the liberation and recovery of free and sulphide related gold at its optimum particle size. Metallurgical test results from Morning Star indicate the ore’s high free milling gold content will result in 82%-92% recovery by gravity at the target crush size."
So your points are all invalid, Happy to help.