I like it! And as a result I've just topped up at these prices!
"Audio Pixels is pleased to announce that musical sound has been produced from chips/wafers. Our proprietary MEMS chips, ASIC and Algorithms are now reproducing complex music (specifically “Hallelujah” by George Frideric Handel); a major advancement from the previously announced single tone playback on 4 July 2018."
There we have it stated clearly! The whole assembly - as a chip - is capable of at least processing and reproducing complex music. So at least we now know for sure that the DSR system actually does what it set out to do. This is a major claim and a major vindication of the concept design.
The problem of quality is a different matter, but I think it reasonable to conclude from the announcement that this is expected to be solvable in short order.
" ... The quality of sound produced is stillunacceptably noisy and muddled and needs to be improved prior to any customer and public demonstration. This effort, expected to take a number of months, is focused on improving the charge dissipation capabilities of the device. The reproduction of the highest quality sound possible requires that the moving and non‐moving elements ("pixels"), are doing so in precision compliance with the input signals. Even slight variances translate into audible noise and noticeable degradation in the acoustic performance.
The key to ensure the highest quality sound reproduction possible, is to improve the stability of the dissipation layers. These layers serve to suppress the disruptive effects that are inherit in every electrostatically driven MEMS actuator.
For this purpose, the company developed a whole new set of measurement tools and techniques that allowed far deeper forensic investigation into the specific charging mechanisms that are “in‐play” in our devices. Aided by this newly accessible data, the company in combination with the vendor and a number of world‐class experts, launched a comprehensive program designed to improve the effectiveness, reliability and stability of the devices under the very demanding control and timing conditions involved in high‐quality reproduction of speech and music playback. ... "
I take special note that the solution to this problem has clearly been in process for some time - all references to it are past tense. So this is what has been going on behind the curtain for some months now. Clearly those efforts are paying off. The improved performance in the first paragraph is contrasted with that of July 4, and that was a significant improvement on the original production version.
" ... Completing our breakthrough technology may have taken somewhat longer than originally anticipated, however, the complexity of developing never‐before attempted technologies, nowappears to be in its final stages. While the process is not yet complete, we believe thatthe accomplishments we have demonstrated validate significant progress delivering the key value propositions our breakthrough technology. "
Once again the achievements referred to are past tense.
Therefore I read this announcement to imply the following:
A) Playing complex music validates the whole idea of Digital Sound Reconstruction, and the finished chip demonstrates all the key value propositions expected.
B) Its taken longer than they expected, but the development is now almost complete, and everything they are seeing shows them that they are closing in on completion.
C) The physical rendering of the idea into a physical manufactured device has required developing new technology, but they are seeing working devices of improved quality emerge incrementally with each iterative optimisation step.
D) The optimisation of the manufacturing process was expected to take a few more months, presumably starting from the time that the process was begun - a few months back, but with a few months still to go.
E) Completing the breakthrough technology ... now appears to be in its final stages.
F) After that the chip will be ready for demonstrations."
I emphasise that this is my personal take on what has been said, not what they actually said. DYOR&T!