Not so sure. Tropicana shows economic at 0.7g/t. Just depends on scale and a number of other factors.May be wort ha $, and may not.
The Ore Reserve has been estimated above the economic break-even cut-off grades presented in the table below. The cut-off grade are calculated at the nominated gold price of US$1,100/oz and an exchange rate of 0.77 US$/A$ which is equivalent to A$1,436/oz, as per the corporate guidelines - Excom economic assumptions proposal V4 Ref[9].
Due to the relative small volumes of some of the material types, forcut-off grade calculation purposes, 2 groups were created, Oxide and Fresh. This also facilitated a practical and ease of operation consideration.
Regolith Gold Cut-off (g/t) 1 Transported
Upper Saprolite
Lower Saprolite
Fresh Rock0.5