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Originally posted by buddy134
By the way Coppertown048, you are failing to address that very important issue which I raised in a previous post of mine........and that is as to why, while we have been given a proxy to vote for certain resolutions, we are not allowed to vote "AGAINST" anything which is relevant to the running of the Company.??
After all we have been given only two chances...either vote "FOR"" or "ABSTAIN..... Is that what Democracy is all about.??
What a waste of time and money spent it was on sending that proxy around to shareholders, when we were give no choice but doing only what they wanted from us.
Why aren't you answering me about that part.?
Are you happy with that when you aren't even allowed to express what your wishes are too.??
Were you aware of that before we were being asked to vote for the SoA.??
As Dolcevita correctly said..................We Have Been Had...........and in a bad way too.
But, never you mind, someone got themselves a nice cushy job along the way while we can't even have a say if we want them there or not.. That is Democracy at best................North Korea,...... eat your heart out...
But that can only happen in North America as far as I know. Does it happen in Germany where all those votes in favour comes from too.???
After all we ended up getting less than what we originally anticipated and offered during the time of first approach from CMMC. And to me, that amount to nothing less than a disaster for some shareholders which were holding Altona shares.
As for me, let me assure you that I have never experienced anything of the likes in all the years of investing in the sharemarket and with all the SoA's I have participated in. Not once......yet again I warned everyone before it was going to be finalised on what to expect.
If one really wants to learn something new, all he/she has to do is to start investing in the North American sharemarket, and to follow their brokers.
Buddy, I don't have an agenda and I'm not against you personally, so I am not responsible for explaining every fault you find in the company or the deal they made. There are good and bad things about any situation. I only offer counter-points to the things I feel confident about. I won't try to make you feel better about factors that are less important to me and I don't really understand.
On the other hand, I suppose since you didn't address the point I actually made, you are granting its validity and moving on to other grievances. I am cool with that.