where is this info regarding statement from engineer?
CWE released some graphs buried in power point presentations - they had no scale , so could my microwatt or petawatts - but they were released. They only thing I recall CWE saying was that the pipe losses were more than expected which required them to pursue the onboard ceto6 design as a priority. Then long pipe runs will be eliminated from the scenario - personally I doubt a simple pipe loss would have been missed by experienced engineers.
oil leak - never heard about this! I don't recall CCE/ CWE reporting a leak although that's to say they didn't. In normal operation a piston or shaft will "leak" minute amounts of oil into the environment ie air or ocean, this should not be any more than a boat would produce in normal operation (look up Venice oil issues from two stroke motors). by saying leak do you mean a valve blew and hydraulic fuild was vented?