Originally posted by minoil
i think you have every reason to be concerned Webby.....Google searching has proved difficult, yet rewarding, though more to be uncovered.
Rather than put it all in one post, where the message may not stick, i'll split my findings so far into a few posts. Then, the info can be agreed, pooh poohed, or, folk can do their own digging, following on from my work....and that of others too, i cant say this is all my work.
Firstly, as many are aware, i have studied the Top 20, including doing asic searches.
Of interest is #4...Sama Zaraah. Entered the register within days of Vaz being appointed, back in 2016.
Going back to the days of BRO, Broad Investments, the same person operating Sama, took shares as payment for debt on the same day as Tony Hakim.....Most will recognise that name if you have searched Vaz's name.
The link here is Malcolm Ayoub, beneficial owner/director of Sama Zaraah. From the above, surely it is reasonable to assume that Malcolm and Vaz are known to each other?...mates?? associates??
Whilst this is an assumption, the documents used are all available on the internet, and freely available, though sometimes for a fee
Enough for now, let this sink in, the fact that they may be associated. This will prepare you for the next instalment, if the notes and searches stack up
ok.....this has been a tough one....one needs to go way past the first 10 results on Google.....and, i'm referring to who owns the refinery at Moama. Whilst frustrating, the answers came from surprising sources, given there is very little info on the refinery, other than the well publicized court cases.
In fact, the first clue came from court findings...
go to point 22, and you will see the a company called Jonvana was the purchaser
Jonvana was subsequently deregistered, and replaced with Jonvana No1.....a search then shows it changed names to Australian Minerals And Energy
Surprise, surprise......who owns it?? ol' mate from my previous post....Malcolm Ayoub!! #4 shareholder !
The big problem next was finding out if he, or someone else owns it now, as the court document was back in 2010.
Heres where i had help....i probably wouldnt have found this.....an obscure link, actually related to the sewerage works next door
scroll down to the contact details, and.....Lot 1 Hillside road belongs to Angel Partners......and, an asic search shows again.....you guessed it....Malcolm Ayoub!!
I've done the asic search on Angel......Malcolm again......you are welcome to do the same, if in doubt....but, its there, and its on the net.
Malcolm owns the refinery, and as i mentioned in my previous post, i suspect they know each other well, and have conducted business together....
I am very suss on this....i mentioned ages ago the suspicion of Vaz being desperate for control for some reason.....here it is....looks to me like a mates deal.
As for the refinery, little is known, but i havent finished digging, but, if its been closed for more than 10 years, then i just get the creeps about this.....DYOR