Bob , 3 -5 years... surely not.. you realize deployment is in 11 cities.. with a population of 75 million .. If they sold 400 vins in first week in Nanjing this would suggest sales will build from here across the 11 cities.. This is without a few big corporate clients who will boost numbers dramatically. Remember China Telecom have 50 million clients that need a vin and have 10s of thousands of sales staff.
11 cities with average at 500 Vins per week minimum is about 24,000 per month then throw in a few bigger corporate clients and it all adds up.
My figures suggest NET break even is approx 2million per year approx 200,000 VINS. After this I suspect profit will be .85cents in the dollar.
This deployment is also a small part of China and will be further expanded early 2019..
we are talking months to extreme profits not years... hmmm free beer from you ..