The historical discovery and drilling are entirely within the tenement But possible extensions may not be as suggested by both geophysics and soil geochemistry anomalies that extend beyond the existing 300*300m tenement boundaries.
The style of skarn mineralisation reported is also unlikely to stop at the property lines. The unit(s) that have been altered with magnetite +- Au/Co etc will IMO be of more regional extent as will the intrusive porphyries.
Consider the extent of mineralisation at Opasura.
While it is a different style it still involves mineralising fluids passing through and locally depositing Zn Pb in favourable unit(s) (Arenillas Fm and perhaps others) over several square kilometers.
The Mina Blanca zinc soil geochem gives an example of what geochem anomalies may OR MAY NOT be outside the Sara Alicia tenement.
A broader coverage of magnetics will IMO probably show anomalies outside the existing 300m square area. Refer to this previous post for an example of what I imagine magnetic processing of such a larger area may look like.
Geophysics (Only magnetics so far = magnetite/pyrrhotite but NOT Au (or Co?) directly; massive sulphides should provide good Electromagnetic targets from surface and Down hole if warranted) and Geochemistry are reasonable indicators but only drilling will show if there is any significant mineralisation within the tenement.
If this proves to be the case then IMO there is a good chance some more will be found outside the boundaries.
Topography may determine just how much is present away from the tenement even if the mineralising system was more wide spread.
Even if a deposit is restricted to the tenement more ground would probably be desirable for logistical reasons.
From memory of the last AGM TR? said something along the lines of ....'the surrounding ground has been forfeited to the government (non payment of taxes?) and may be made available through some process that involves tenders or a lottery.' For this reason there is no certainty as to when or even if it will be back in the private arena.
Gltah dyor