"Between 31 December 2011, the ATO had referred approximately 1.8 million debt cases to EDCAs valued at approximately $7 billion. The EDCAs had prompted the payment of approximately $2 billion (29.1 per cent) at a cost of $54 million to the ATO." p.138
Around 250m worth of debt was referred to four collection agencies in 2014/2015 compared to 514m in 13/14 and 538m in 12/13 (p.164).
According to a study by ATO, the cost for Collection agencies to collect $1,000 is $7.64 in 2013–14. (p.159)
Rough estimate based on above data: Collection agencies charged ATO around $27 for every $1000 collected. It costs them around $7.64 to do so. Fairly good margin imo.