More details on the Gold Fields Eldorado Sino swap from the Eldorado web site:
The terms of the agreement between Eldorado and Gold Fields are:
* Eldorado will acquire 57,968,029 Sino Gold shares from Gold Fields. The transaction to be settled through the issuance to Gold Fields of 27,824,654 shares of Eldorado by way of a private placement. The number of Eldorado shares was determined based on an exchange ratio of 0.48 Eldorado shares for each Sino Gold share, which was calculated considering the 30-day volume weighted average price of Sino Gold and Eldorado shares.
* For a period of 18 months Gold Fields will hold a top-up right which will apply should Eldorado purchase an additional 5% or more of the outstanding shares of Sino Gold and the sellers receive consideration equivalent to a share consideration ratio in excess of the share exchange ratio received by Gold Fields.