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Originally posted by Charlie'sbucket
Haha it tough to argue with that! i seem to have similar waits on other stocks too- its trying my patience to the limit! BUT Law has its own speed and if it takes them 6 months to come to a Fair and positive workable decision for Lakes and rest of Victorians energy bills even if just a little, then we waited so long; a little longer i can wait. I not sure if they will call a HALT as soon as the result is to be delivered or a week before? or not at all? Regardless of the time it takes, we only want some kind of win or we/other related stocks stuffed..
my guess would be a halt once their lawyers are provided an indication by the judge that a decisiom has been made. halt to remain in place until its actually heard.... which may be another week depending on schedule.
im thinking of getting a clerkship