Not really sure why you say that?
ZEN have the bonds they need. They have quite a bit of credit available. Also, I was disappointed they paid 8% on the bonds. I dont like that. I think it was too high. That is a bit of a warning sign to me.
I am betting a lot of my portfolio on Aussie low interest rates. In fact, the entire earth will have low interest rates forever. With so much debt, govts cannot afford higher interest rates. So they will end up with low interest rates and inflation. They will destroy their currencies. But if all currencies dive together, who cares?
In that scenario, hard assets are the only way to preserve your wealth. The alternative will be deflation (but govts know how to print enough money to overcome that.... see Japan and also GFC). A weird world (I predict)... low interest rates with inflation. But I could be wrong, like 1000 times before!