It is a interesting one saying she has deal locked up but can't say? Hmmmm
I don't know if it gives me confidence that they have a deal or that we have already locked in a deal with assumption and until readout we can't be told.
Sad as teh implied deals on previous page are all at different stages of maturity with most being mature as opposed to FTT so I not sure what comparison to draw and I find it totally misleading because of context.
You look at other research into deals in same area from a few years ago and they use different comparisons and different market sizes etc
Search another market participant after approval for valuations and problems - Regranex
Who is the exact approved competition?? How long to penetrate market after approval? Any direct competition studies and comparison or create comparison graph against standard of care in their approval? Cost of product?
Who's market share will we take? Hydrogels. growth factors , collagen , silicon, polymer films