I agree, but I hope that investors don't have unrealistic expectations because they forget that cash receipts from the last QVC million dollar day were part of the last quarterly results.
The quarterly before that (December Qtly) saw around $1.42m in cash receipts. I think we could see just under $1.6m this quarterly and that would be fine to me, as long as QOQ growth remains steady at about 9-15%. Then we could see $1.75m for the September Qtly, and scratching $2m in the December Qtly - plus any million dollar day, which would then mean cash flow positive. If the trend continues that way, cash flow positive is achievable by the March quarterly, without any help from a million dollar day. By then évolis will be established in Japanese pharmacies, selling in China, with Fillerina also adding to the revenue.
But there is a lot going on now, as you said. Therefore, figures could be much higher much earlier, depending on how financially successful all these launches over the past months were or will be over the next 6 months are.
I think that cash flow positive is going to happen, and I think Taurean7 will see his/her chart continue along its previous moves with ups and downs plus some spikes.
Personally, I'm happy with steady revenue growth for now, knowing that not too far away the announced "breakout year" will happen.