Dear Gracesteel11,You stated in your previous post that investors are lining up for the ANS shares at 0.020. Is your statement credible or is it your own dream?
By knowing all the facts based on the ANS announcement on 15 Feb 2019, you may need to ask a very basic question why did not the ANS board cancel this investor's ANS shares subscription of $3 million (at 0.013 discounted price) when he failed to pay within 14 days based on the agreement signed between this investor and ANS on 2 August 2018 and per the ASX Listing Rule 3 Continuous disclosure, and since this is a material transaction, should the company announce it immediately to shareholders via ASX. Instead why did the company keep chasing this investor for almost 6 months in order to get this $3 million payment and even extended the payment due date to 15 March 2019, with the fact that the acquisition deal between ANS/WAPRC, SDL and noteholders was signed and published via ASX in September 2018 and subsequently extended to 31 March 2019.
Can you please answer those questions?