it's incredible to see our mcap at 8 mil. We only need one hit and this will bounce hard. I got a resppnse from DHR about my questions regarding the Brine. They are still on track for end of quarter (this month) completing the purchase then if they can fast track exploration then we could see a substantial increase in SP.
Just for comparison, GLN drilled their brine last month and using modified bailer method were able to produce lithium results within 1 day. I would hope management take this approach and can get us results soon. Also was informed that due to backlog at lab the San Luis samples taken at end of last year have still not been processed. If we can get some results from this then we also could be back in the money sooner.
The tide is turning. I am expecting good positive news flow this year and back in the money (is greater then 2c by years end).