Originally posted by Thanky
Hey Hilly thanks for sharing your working.
I think you calculated costs on ROM rather than FOB. Adds quite a bit too cash flow.
Yeah this is FOB costs not ROM...
IMO company really needs to push for being cash flow neutral/positive and then work on changing there status to a producer not a minerals explorer... This would mean no more 4C's and instead a HY and FY report, but more importantly I think it would enable B2Y to secure the necessary working capital arrangements... This $10M raise is tiny (on coal sales), and I would much prefer debt over dilution... Hope they are working on this in the background...
Otherwise, with the forecast of the upcoming 4C to be significantly cash flow negative (-A$13M on my estimate), I cannot see the SP moving positively in the foreseeable future... Capital raise and announcement that rearward looking they are cash flow negative... Sure market is forward looking, but right now B2Y are on a knife edge and based on cash flow need to prove they are a going concern...