Originally posted by Deboss
Now let's sign up our new 'world class Chairman', sooner rather than later, and away we goclear.pngclear.pngclear.pngclear.png
"Now let's sign up our new 'world class Chairman', sooner rather than later, and away we go".
Personally, I'm caring less and less about getting a new Chairman. I believe Nigel made some communications mistakes and I wouldn't want to see them again particularly around the DFS running into problems with the ASX but more and more I'm coming to the view that spin is going to have little impact on AVZ's share price going forward - what is going to matter now is the facts on the ground.
I'd almost prefer Nigel to keep his focus on getting (keeping pretty much) good reports coming out on time than have him diverted into finding a big name Chairman that would need to paid and incentived in according with their big name - which might actually turn out to be just a waste of money better spent elsewhere. I don't think the best Chairman around can change the facts on the ground - the transport situation is what it is and will be what it will be.