16,136 Posts.
They just recently raised $5 mill without him,
so why fork out more money, for something the other directors can/should do?
Do directors here only do a single job here?
One for C.R. One for present anns. another to organise drillers?
New director certainly won't be "in the office", most likely his minimal
involvement will be by eMail or 'phone, pretty expensive 'phone calls.
S.P. is either down, or stagnant, so it is going NOWHERE.
Somebody mentioned a S.P. of 1 cent.
It was 1 cent, and more, 7 months ago, now regularly hitting .3 cents,
obviously the market is not impressed with ANYTHING that AUL has
done of late.
Don't know about others here, but I didn't buy to see the S.P. fall,
or only return to 1 cent.
Currently, even 1 cent is not looking achievable.
Did anybody ask how many tonnes of dirt were processed
to get that tiny bar of gold?
I bought 4 months ago, as it appeared to have potential to do well.
Guess that hasn't/isn't happening.
At the moment, can't even see this reaching my break even point, .0044 cents
Another director is not the catalyst needed to get this moving.
Now it's a matter of the B.O.D. ann. something to get the market excited.
Can they do it? Have to wait and see.