What do you think Rothsay would be worth producing 75-80k oz at an AISC around $1000? PNR (Nicholson)are currently producing 52k oz pa and have a MC of $150mill.
FY16 Daisy Milano mined 312kt @7.0g/t for 72k oz. When silver lake bought it in 2007 it had a resource of 114,100 oz, three years later it was 623,700 (after production) and in 2017 it’s 877k oz, having produced 741k oz @7.1g/t over its life.
Currently at around 800m depth.
Would be nice to see Rothsay develop along similar lines. I mention Paulsens, Daisy Milano and Nicholsons because they all deliver UG ore around 7.0g/t to the mill. Exactly what Rothsay is planning to do. All are high grade, narrow vein mines.
Current PFS has 200kt ore p.a in the mine plane, but with two new near surface development areas to play with, that number will almost certainly increase above 300kt+ for DFS. Not hard to envision Rothsay as a long life 75-100k oz pa producer. All with low capex and first pour possible late next year.