Originally posted by Schematic
I think they are betting on the two deals they were bidding which "
volumes would haverepresented a doubling (or more) of our Buddy Ohm site sales this past quarter" and the acquisition which
"represent a significantvalue proposition for the Company (the transaction being highly revenue and earningsaccretive)." I highly doubt there breakeven by Q4 2019 though.
We were told in the last 4c that the period Jul-Sept 2018 was a record period of installations. That way followed up with a statement that Oct-Dec was on track to surpass the previous record period the quarter prior. It is plain lies. Pure and simple.
Clearly they used the 'verbal' agreement and stated it as fact. Ultimately they did not proceed and the numbers tell the story.
The proposed acquisition is not over the line and I hold no hope whatsoever it will proceed.
Thankfully the shine is shining today. Just looked out the window and saw a large flock of pigs flying past with a banner saying 'We will be cashflow breakeven by end of CY2019'