It is a very valid question that you are asking and as I have been involved with this situation previously as part of a "Requisitioning Members" (RM's) group that served a notice (s249D) on an ASX listed company.
I can't say this is how all other previous RM groups proceeded, but the details are kept between the group until the notice is actually served on the company.
Those details will include information that will be included in the EGM announcement re: voting information, reasons for requesting a meeting of all registered shareholders, who the RM's are submitting as replacements, what the new board members will offer that they deem is better than the current board, their individual biographies, how they can get better value out of GPP's assets, etc.
So as much as it is frustrating and I understand but you don't tell the person who you are playing poker against what is in your hand .........
What changes I would like to see:
Clear and definite pathways going forward.
Is Morabisi as good as it has been spruiked up to be, and if so, employ an in house geologist rather than consulting it out - I would like to know what Watt gets paid for his consultancy btw, as a matter of course I would like to know what ALL the consultants are getting paid for very little /no results
A clear indication of does the OHD Bio-stimulant do what is is supposed to do and what are the issues and how close they are to being resolved.
No more ambiguous announcement and an adherence to listing rules, particularly continuous disclosure
A PR person (even one of the new board members) to collate shareholders concerns and address them where practicle
A review of the current "consultants" as it seems we have been paying consultants for ever for little or no return.
A new secretary
Later down the track, an offical GPP representative on the thread.
Just some thoughts, but until the 249D is issued and the information is at hand we have to hold on.....
@anatol re: shares on issue, the small share sale facility closed on the 6th June, I would of thought that those shares sold through that would of been announced in the latest 3B, what will be more intriguing is, if the shares are/were sold on market or purchased by an individual/s = I cant be bothered looking but it is another 15M shares that could be directed to "friendly" investor/s... Do have to feel for those poor holders though, at one stage they were looking like getting 1.3c per share but now it will be .5c per share.
All IMO only
I will say, it is a little disappointing that the 249D wasn't issued today - King has had ample time to decide his fate and wether he wants to work with new board members to try and rebuild GPP's value or fight it at a cost, and the cost being the longer this unsettled issue goes on the longer the market will take to regain any confidence in GPP being able to bring a project to fruition. My thinking it will come Monday and he will still want to fight a change as in my opinion he thinks he is doing a good job - pffffffffft