Melbourne13. I understand you saying that but I wonder if there is a much more logical story happening.
Mainly, why would someone "in the know" about the company buy 42 million shares @ .004 one day before the company announced an issue of 125 million shares @ .00333 for working capital?
That suggests to me that this was not someone close to the company and I emphasize "company" the "usual" source of a "pump".
That buying yesterday morning, IMO, still holds the key to what is probably going on behind the scenes I.E. something to do with the 2 key factors that would affect such a large purchase, probably NZ or not as likely, the TO agreement. THAT, "they", caused what can be described as the "pump". Who are "they"?
The "dump" seems obvious to me and keep in mind we have only seen 18 million being sold, surely they relate to the DTs who chased the volume and got out immediately they read the "wrong" announcement and just maybe some of those that took the .00333 shares in lieu of payment?
There are still ALL of those potentially "material" factors on the table waiting to be inked. They have not gone away and are still waiting to be announced!!!