G'day John, as a novice who thorough enjoys researching leads for sectors and ultimately stocks, I really appreciate your maps and insights, mate. Actually tried poking around and trying to draw one up today from bits and pieces I found online, and, yeah, crikey, it is a tonne of effort and work! So thanks, mate.
@speckledjim1, late flurry on iron ore junior C ZR. Got some tenements on the outskirts of reason currently abuzz on conglom hype. Could be a real long bow I'm trying to draw. Few broker mates who have made a packet on DE G and K AI weary of it being a bit of a bubble, but not ruling it out either. Market is still hot for it, that's for sure. Look at K AI outperforming K IN today, on pure speculation versus what I read to be a pretty profitable operation. Similar size $MC now.