These people get paid too much, the company has been suspended for three years, it has no money, it currently has no future income aside from debt, and their extremely high salaries have remained unchanged and they continue to build up debts to the company, debts to shareholders like you and I. This could be fixed if their remuneration was tied to their performance. If they are so goddamn confident, like they always say they are, then tie at least some of their salary to their performance!
Here are some extracts I have highlighted and annotated from the Annual Report:
It seems the salary debt to shareholders (see highlight above) is constantly growing and is now about $2.5 million! We don't even know what Pierre Koshakji is going to be paid yet. That will be another salary debt about to be bult up. Or will he paid out of the $600,000 USD funds loaned to EVM from Apollo, in a kind of 'circular economy pyramid scheme'?