Originally posted by woltage
Bought in
India/Australia business relationships burgeoning
India strong GDP, looking to be the next China
Ex Rio gent on board
My reasons were triggered some months ago, but took until now to push the button.
I had a couple of conversations with a person at the company to vent my dislike for CG issue of shares based on very weak reasons being extremely easy milestones; this along with the consolidation did it for me as i stated the price would tank with liquidity issues. Said that FS would not be happy. Then we talked in general and I got various excuses to my questions and one stuck out was an admission that getting money from the purchasers was difficult because "it is in India and everyone knows how difficult that is". Knock me over with a feather.
Anyway, I will monitor the performance of the newbie director and may get back in at a later date.